There are three maps in this section. Below is a map of the Russian Empire
Map of the Russian Empire showing industry, c. 1914
Expansion of Russian Empire 1613~1914
Armenian province in the Russian Empire, 1828-1840
The Russian Empire was ousted in 1917 and, with Vladimir Lenin as leader,
(see map). Another major, dominant empire which straddled several
of Ukraine – it's a later addition tacked on during the Russian Empire.
Fragments of the map of Russian Empire (1725)
C. Dilly & G. Robinson: An Accurate Map of the Russian Empire both in Europe
russia map.gif
File:Map of the Russian Empire at its height in 1866.svg
BELARUS PART OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE External Online Map : Blackie & Sons 1882

Russian Empire - 25. Empire of the Rising Sun - 18. Dutch "Oven" Empire - 9
Western Russian Empire 1899
Map 19: The breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 left Russia (red) with
Culture 4.0 Historical Maps -- Growth of the Russian Empire in Europe
other detailed Russian Empire maps, c. 1908-1909.
map: The Russian Revolution and the Civil War
in times when Georgia was part of Caucasus under the Russian Empire.
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